The Maker’s House Chapel International REVEALED!!!

WOW!!!! What a feeling? What a church? What an experience? These awe-struck expressions kept darting in my mind as I sat in the loft of the MAKER’S HOUSE CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL last Sunday. No church gathering has been able to satisfy my appetence for quality until my visit to The Maker’s House Chapel. I got to the church almost an hour late(Oh come on!!! don’t judge me, I know you are guilty too) and I must be honest, this is one of the few times I have felt so bad missing praise and worship on a Sunday morning.  Just before the sermon was preached, there stood this gorgeous woman singing a hymn I have never heard but it really ministered to my soul. I immediately knew I missed out a great deal for not being present during praise and worship.


I was there for a reason. I was there to feed my curiosity. A couple of my friends had visited the church and in sharing their experience, I’ve always believed with no atom of doubt they were exaggerating because I couldn’t bring myself to the reality that a church gathering could be that first-rate. I’ve come to accept that most of these new churches lack genuine doctrine.

Just after the focal bible verse (Psalm 23) for the sermon was read, I knew I was in for a prosperity lecture, and that obviously resonates with the setting I find myself. After approximately 10 minutes into the sermon, my perception started to change. The preacher, Dr. Michael Boadi Nyamekye is a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I have never heard the gospel of Christ preached with so much modern relevance. I have known Psalm 23 from primary school, I never thought its first verse could mean so much to my life as a Christian. I began to realize how theology has limited the power of God in so many churches today. I could literally feel life in the word of God as the man of God preached. I was so ashamed of myself and the pre-formed perception I had about the church and the man of God.

Coming from a Presbyterian background, Communion Sundays will take forever. This wasn’t the case at the maker’s house chapel. Communion took less than 6 minutes. The whole service lasted for two hours and every fragment of it was satisfying and liberating for me. The ushering department is one of the best I have seen so far. Their mode of operations are like that of the secret service in the US. Lol! YES!! Really! The music felt too good that at a point I thought they were miming over a pre-recorded song when they started to sing this old tune at the end of the service ­– “STAND UP STAND UP FOR JESUS”

God deserves the best and I see that kind of quality in the eyes of the Dr. Boadi Nyamekye. After a hardworking week, we want to come to our creator in relief. We want to leave the church on Sunday morning with hope restored, faith uplifted, mental liberation, strength to carry on to do great things and primarily re-energized to live in the consciousness of our lord Jesus Christ. Church Gatherings shouldn’t be a religious gathering or a Sunday ritual. It should be Holy Spirit filled service, bringing freedom, reconciling humans to their source and resourcing Christians for the days, weeks, months and years ahead in wait for our master who art in the heavens.  Reading their mission statement this morning: “to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn their own faith”, truly confirms my experience in their gathering yesterday.

It is my prayer that the church’s congregants will truly carry their cross daily and follow Jesus even as they worship in such a cozy ambience. Dr. Boadi Nyamekye is someone I’ve come to admire and I pray his flock given to him by God will listen to his directions as he is also being directed by our father in heaven. If I had the opportunity to make a wish today, this is what it will be:  to meet Dr. Nyamekye in person over lunch and have a personal interaction with the man of God. Quite impossible I guess. These men of God can be hard to find outside Sundays.

Till I come your way again, this was my experience at the Maker House Chapel International. My advise to anyone reading this article, Don’t be too quick to judge what you haven’t experienced for yourself.